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Hello from YZ Consulting – December 2022
Congratulations on making it through the silly season (almost there!).
2022 has been a massive year in terms of the prospects for renewable energy around the globe.
May investment keep pouring into renewables in 2023 like the rain poured down on the coal ship off Newcastle’s coastline on this photo.

Here are YZ Consulting’s highlights from the last couple of months:
- We have supported a large German defence contractor in tendering out a 1.2 MW solar PV system on one of their production sites in Australia. Contracts have now been signed with the successful solar installation business. Congrats both.
- We have successfully delivered a market sounding exercise for the 5th largest German IPP. This was carried out under the banner of our partner organisation Bruce Energy and will now lead to more extensive business development in the new year around specific market segments. More to come on this.
- We have been engaged to provide the technical specification for one of Australia’s first community funded solar farm projects. We love being part of their good news story.
- For the new year, we are currently negotiating our first contact for a project based outside of Australia, in Papua New Guinea. Stay tuned for more details on this exciting development.
- We are looking for capable partners to deliver an increasing number of exciting long-term engagements for local and global businesses in 2023. Please get in touch if you or someone you know would like to work with YZ Consulting.

Our Clients
At YZ, we understand that the transition to renewable energy is vital for a sustainable future. With well-established capabilities and dependable commitment, we advise our clients on renewable energy projects, collaboratively paving the way for a resilient and ecological tomorrow.